Retarget unsubscribed email customers

Looking to re-engage customers who've purchased before, but have unsubscribed from your emails? Try this recipe.


Retarget customers who've purchased at least once and have unsubscribed from your emails.



  1. Create a segment to capture customers that have purchased at least once and unsubscribed from emails. We did this with the following criteria:
    1. Choose the property Average Order Value and set it to greater than 0, indicating they've made a purchase in the past
    2. Choose Unsubscribed Lists includes Marketing. You may need to adjust this condition depending on how your ESP represents subscribers:

  1. Create a flow using the segment you just created in step 1 and your chosen end channel. The example below shows how to create a one time flow with a Send SMS to Contact action

Take it a step further

Create a multi-step journey to retarget customers in multiple ways over time. Experiment and see what draws them back in!