✨ New

You can now view real-time Simon operational statuses! We'll update you whenever there are outages or delays and your can also view historical information. Check it out at https://status.simondata.com/ or using the link above and review the documentation here for more details and subscription instructions.



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We look forward to updating you every week with new and improved product features as part of our Thursday release cycle. Any questions or comments? Feel free to leave feedback on the documentation page, via the Simon notifications, or directly with your account manager.

✨ New

The Data Dictionary is now available to all in segment criteria! Simon empowers your team to leverage tons of data to create powerful segments and content. With the amount of data available, it can be difficult to keep track of what these data are and where they came from. That’s where data dictionaries come in. With the current Data Dictionary you can:

  • View field descriptions and details
  • View contact object and event details
  • Insert fields into segment criteria after you've viewed their descriptions


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We look forward to updating you every week with new and improved product features as part of our Thursday release cycle. Any questions or comments? Feel free to leave feedback on the documentation page, via the Simon notifications, or directly with your account manager.

πŸ”¨ Improved

To help you manage your Simon platform experience more easily, we've updated the Action Panel to auto-skip datasets with errors that have had no action taken on them. This feature was previously in beta and is now available to all!

Simon automatically retries 30 minutes after the first error occurs if you don't take an action. If there’s another error for the same dataset and no action is taken after 60 minutes, the dataset is skipped so the rest of your pipe can complete. Read more about automated actions and skippable datasets here.


Thanks for reading!

We look forward to updating you every week with new and improved product features as part of our Thursday release cycle. Any questions or comments? Feel free to leave feedback on the documentation page, via the Simon notifications, or directly with your account manager.

  • Recurring file feeds are now available in Beta. Any files dropped to a Simon owned S3 or SFTP bucket on a recurring or frequent cadence can be loaded into Simon's Data Warehouse using this product. This feature is great for ingesting third party data that vendors generate on your behalf.

πŸ”¨ Improved


Datatype support in Iterable channel action


Thanks for reading!

We look forward to updating you every week with new and improved product features as part of our Thursday release cycle. Any questions or comments? Feel free to leave feedback on the documentation page, via the Simon notifications, or directly with your account manager.

πŸ”¨ Improved

  • A count of outstanding Action Panel items now appears in the left navigation. This count combines both flows and datasets in review so you know how many are impacted right away.

Action Panel count

  • Usage Metrics updates: we updated the Flow Volume by Channel graph to show Triggered vs. Non-Triggered Volumes by Channel.

Triggers vs. Non-triggered Flow Volume, by Channel

The Triggered vs. Non-Triggered Flows by Channel graph now shows the total flow volume broken down by marketing channel. Please note, due to the presentation of the information in this graph, it will always show the total amount for the entire time period selected, regardless of the granularity selection.


Thanks for reading!

We look forward to updating you every week with new and improved product features as part of our Thursday release cycle. Any questions or comments? Feel free to leave feedback on the documentation page, via the Simon notifications, or directly with your account manager.

✨ New

  • Segment Prioritization Lists are now available to everyone! Use this feature to avoid sending multiple messages to the same contact. Learn more below:

πŸ”¨ Improved

We resolved data syncing issues that could have resulted in data inaccuracies shown on the Delivery tab within the Flow Details page. This update includes interface improvements to help you understand the localized time period of the presented data. To learn more about Flow Delivery Metrics, click here.


Flow Delivery Metrics


Thanks for reading!

We look forward to updating you every week with new and improved product features as part of our Thursday release cycle. Any questions or comments? Feel free to leave feedback on the documentation page, via the Simon notifications, or directly with your account manager.

πŸ”¨ Improved



Thanks for reading!

We look forward to updating you every week with new and improved product features as part of our Thursday release cycle. Any questions or comments? Feel free to leave feedback on the documentation page, via the Simon notifications, or directly with your account manager.

✨ New

  • Simon Cards are now available to everyone! πŸŽ‰ On this dashboard, you can use Simon Cards to view your team’s activity, your own recent activity, and also receive updates on the latest news from Simon.

Simon Cards

πŸ”¨ Improved

  • You can now download tables in Link Activity Metrics into a .csv.

    All variants will be present on the same sheet with their variant identifiers for sorting and filtering. Each row also contains the flow name and flow identifiers in case you would like to merge Link Activity data across multiple flows.


✨ New

  • The Iterable SMS Channel Action is now available! If you currently use Iterable to send triggered email messages or push notifications to your contacts, you can now also send native, Iterable SMS messages too. SMS is one more, highly effective tool you can use to reach your customers with either one-time campaigns or triggered messaging. For added value, make sure to combine with Simon’s best in class content and personalization tools to maximize conversion.

Send SMS via Iterable

πŸ”¨ Improved


Thanks for reading!

We look forward to updating you every week with new and improved product features as part of our Thursday release cycle. Any questions or comments? Feel free to leave feedback on the documentation page, via the Simon notifications, or directly with your account manager.