Post identify event to Simon Data. See Event Details and Descriptions for more detail.

A call to identify establishes the identity associated with a userId. The variable userId is a user identifier that you specify. identify can be called to pass information when a source of identity is recognized, such as an authenticated login, a click from an email with an identity URL parameter, and signup for newsletter subscription. Different types of identifiers can be passed on.

Calling identify does not automatically establish identity for all subsequent track events. Include traits within the track calls to accomplish this.

When a user registers with you for the first time, you should call identify and also make a separate call to registration.


A note on userId

The userId is intended to be your custom user identifier, e.g. a primary key on your production users table. However, despite being a positional parameter in the identify call, it is not required. If you don't have a userId or don't want to pass one, set the first positional parameter to an empty string.

Do not replace userId with e.g. an email address as this can cause undesirable consequences in identity management downstream.

Production Server

Use the form below and try it editor on the right to test your code with either the development or the staging server.

To send live calls, replace the url with the correct Production server endpoint:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!