Simon ingests and unifies your data from anywhere and we want to share that data back with you. By partnering with Snowflake Data Sharing, we give you read-only access to the Simon results share. This is secure sharing of data where no data is copied or transferred between accounts (so it doesn't affect anything you have running in Simon). Using this shared data, you can query the views in your Business Intelligence (BI) tool directly alongside any of your other tables and report on it.

You can think of this function as a mini data warehouse to use for marketing analytics. With this "warehouse" you can:

  • Measure the results of your Simon powered experiment in your BI tool
  • Analyze data and create visualizations of marketing engagement data to understand the effectiveness of your marketing program
  • Give other teams and end users at your company flexible access to Simon flow membership, and engagement data (like opens, clicks, etc)
  • Access raw third party SaaS tool data that is collected by Simon Data


Sharing Data Across Regions and Cloud Platforms

Simon Snowflake Share supports cross-region shares but is limited to AWS and Azure.

When to use Snowflake Shares

You can also use data from data feed exports and segment exports, so when should you choose Snowflake shares instead?

Snowflake ShareData FeedsSegment Exports
An outbound share from Simon into our your Snowflake account. This lets us pass on any data tables that are products of Simon (for example: flow adds, event tables, customer table etc).These take a snapshot in time of contacts who are going through a flow. You can also add custom context to the data feed to send through attributes at the time of send (For example: LTV, product they viewed, price, etc.)Segment exports will export the contacts in a segment at that moment to your local machine. We can also pass custom context through this method.
Sharing data via Snowflake Share makes it simple for you to get access to multiple Simon data products.

The most common use case for a Snowflake Share is reporting. We can share:

data feeds
flow adds
flow actions
the Simon customer table
_ Contact Event and Object datasets

via a Snowflake Share so you can directly query on that data or connect it to a BI tool.
Data feeds can be dropped in S3, SFTP or they can also be loaded into Snowflake and shared with you there.

You might choose a data feed if your preferred method is S3 or SFTP and you're only concerned with flows.
The most common use case is to test a segment audience before sending them through a flow. You could export a segment list and check that all users are supposed to be there.


At a high level, Simon's Results share consists of the following views:

  • Identity join (Legacy Identity clients only)
  • Identity event join
  • Event
  • All Contact Event and Object results configured through Datasets or automatically by Simon
  • Customer table join
  • Metadata tables on flows/journeys and actions within flows


Custom datasets and fields

Many fields are custom configured to your dataset. You can also export these fields via a Snowflake share, however those fields aren't explained in this document because they're unique to each client. Use the Data Explorer and Data Feeds or contact your account manager for assistance understanding those tables.


Batch identity table that creates consistent Simon IDs per customer across join keys (for example, user_id). This is used to join a customer across client_id, email, and users_ids.

  • Updated three times per day
ColumnData typeDescription
Native IDVarcharIdentifier for given contact in the given native identifier type
Native identifier (e.g. email, client_id, user_id)VarcharIdentifier type
Simon IDVarcharJob is implemented as full batch job and simon_ids will not necessarily be consistent from one run to the next.

Joins to results_simon_id in customer table


Events configured for use within Segmentation and Results as conversion goals and milestones (for example: Sendgrid sends and purchases). Events are any action a contact may have taken.

  • Updated hourly (or more given data source)

Simon Event Tables

  • Flow_actions: Log of all actions taken by Simon via Flows
  • Flow_adds: Log of contacts being added to Simon Flows.
ColumnData typeDescription
Native IDVarcharEvent contact identifier
Native identifier (e.g. email, client_id, user_id)VarcharIdentifier type
TSIntegerTimestamp for event, in epoch seconds
event_typeVarcharEvent name, defined in Datasets
Event_properties (can be 0 to n)VarcharDimensional fields


These tables are under active development and may be helpful for joining in additional metadata to some of the tables above. These tables may be labeled with Alpha.

  • Updated daily
  • Metadata_simon_flows: provides configuration information on each flow
ColumnData typeDescription
Campaign_idNumberFlow ID
Campaign_nameVarcharFlow name
Journey_nameVarcharJourney name
Current_statusVarcharFlow status (live, stopped, archived)
Campaign_categoryVarcharFlow type (one-time, recurring, triggered, event triggered, stream)
Holdout_sizeFloatIf there is an experiment, holdout size (1 = 100% holdout)
Has_experimentBooleanCan be ignored, use has_experiment column
has_mve2_exptBooleanCan be ignored, use has_experiment column
Experiment_nameVarcharExperiment name, if applicable
Experiment_idNumberExperiment ID, if applicable
Variant_idNumberFlow ID name, if experiment
Variant_nameVarcharFlow variant name, if experiment
Launch_dateVarcharDate string of when flow was scheduled to launch
Launched_atNumberWhen the flow was scheduled to launch, in epoch seconds
Segment_idVarcharSegment ID associated with the flow
Segment_nameVarcharSegment name associated with the flow
Ended_atNumberWhen the campaign was stopped, in epoch seconds (Null if flow is running)
Created_atNumberWhen the flow was initially created, in epoch seconds
Updated_atNumberWhen the flow was last updated, in epoch seconds
  • Campaign_action_metadata: Join table showing the details behind any flow action (e.g. integration). Campaign actions are the flow actions in a flow. Each flow action maps one-to-one with an action type (e.g. triggered send) and integration (e.g. sendgrid)
  • Updated daily
ColumnData typeDescription
Campaign_action_idNumberFlow action ID
Campaign_idNumberFlow ID for the flow action this is a part of
Integration_nameVarcharIntegration name linked to the flow action
Action_nameVarcharAction name (for example, triggered_send)
Created_atNumberWhen the flow action was initially created, in epoch seconds
Updated_atNumberWhen the flow action was last updated, in epoch seconds
Action_configVariantFlexible variant data structure that includes data from templates, custom context, or channel configuration

How do I access and use this data?

For detail on how to use Snowflake Share itself, please refer to Snowflake's documentation.

Existing Snowflake account

Contact your account manager to set up a share. You'll be given client access, then refer to Snowflake's documentation for more detail on how to use Snowflake.

No Snowflake account

If you don't currently use Snowflake, no problem, we can set you up with a sub-account so you can still view and query on your data. Contact your account manager to set this up, then refer to Snowflake's documentation for more detail on how to use Snowflake.

What we'll give you:

  • A URL to log in to and run queries in your sub-account.
  • A database you can create tables/views with and upload data to. You can store QA views that reference the share database and you can also upload other data into Snowflake then join with data from our share to perform additional analysis and reporting. (PROD/DEV schemas are generated by default).
  • Roles we can assign your users to (we'll need their email address)
  • Access to run QA queries with the data we provide you

We set up the following roles (and correlated permissions) that you can request for individual users:

Role Type:ReaderPowerIT Admin
Query both databases
Generate stored procedures
Create stages
Create/modify/drop tables or views
Create tasks