Contact event lookback period

Contact Event Lookback Period

Our goal with Contact Events is to provide granular data to power your marketing workflow. Based on our workflow knowledge and experience working with customers, event-level granularity is most relevant between 30 days - 365 days, depending on the event type. Aggregation based on events is best created with a Contact Data dataset.

ClassificationLookback Period
Behavioral Events30 Days
Channel Events90 Days
Transactional Events365 Days


Your lookback period may vary

Lookback period may be shorter for high volume datasets.

How this affects the product

The lookback period affects three areas of the product:

  • Event-Based Segmentation
  • Contact Event Based Content
  • Contact Profile

The lookback period in the Segment Builder

The lookback period for a dataset is shown in the segment builder, along with what field it is based on.


lookback period