Simon Mail event webhook event definitions

Simon Mail is built on an industry-leading mail transfer agent (MTA) partner that generates the payloads of the event webhook. This means the webhook payload will contain many fields that are not relevant to Simon Mail or deliverability/conversion reporting.

We've identified the most helpful webhook data points for Simon Mail which are contained in three event types:


This event type contains the following information:


event_idUnique event identifier
friendly_fromFriendly sender or 'From' header in the original email
ip_addressIP address of the host to which Simon Mail delivered this message; in engagement events, the IP address of the host where the HTTP request originated
ip_poolIP pool through which this message was sent
mailbox_providerMailbox Provider of the recipient
mailbox_provider_regionRegion of the Mailbox Provider
message_idUnique identifier for this message
msg_fromSender address used on this message's SMTP envelope
msg_sizeMessage size in bytes
rcpt_metaMetadata describing the Simon Data Flow or Journey connected to this message
rcpt_toLowercase version of recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope
raw_reasonUnmodified, exact response returned by the remote server due to a failed delivery attempt
reasonCanonicalized text of the response returned by the remote server due to a failed delivery attempt
recipient_domainDomain part of the recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope
sending_ipIP address through which this message was sent
subjectSubject line from the email header
template_idSlug of the template used to construct this message
timestampEvent date and time, in Unix timestamp format (integer seconds since 00:00:00 GMT 1970-01-01)
typeType of event this record describes


event_idUnique event identifier
friendly_fromFriendly sender or 'From' header in the original email
ip_addressIP address of the host to which Simon Mail delivered this message; in engagement events, the IP address of the host where the HTTP request originated
ip_poolIP pool through which this message was sent
mailbox_providerMailbox Provider of the recipient
mailbox_provider_regionRegion of the Mailbox Provider
message_idUnique identifier for this message
msg_fromSender address used on this message's SMTP envelope
msg_sizeMessage's size in bytes
rcpt_toLowercase version of recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope
rcpt_metaMetadata describing the Simon Data flow or journey connected to this message
recipient_domainDomain part of the recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope
sending_ipIP address through which this message was sent
subjectSubject line from the email header.
template_idSlug of the template used to construct this message.
timestampEvent date and time, in Unix timestamp format (integer seconds since 00:00:00 GMT 1970-01-01).
typeType of event this record describes.


event_idUnique event identifier.
friendly_fromFriendly sender or 'From' header in the original email.
ip_poolIP pool through which this message was sent.
mailbox_providerMailbox Provider of the recipient.
mailbox_provider_regionRegion of the Mailbox Provider.
message_idUnique identifier for this message.
msg_fromSender address used on this message's SMTP envelope.
msg_sizeMessage's size in bytes.
rcpt_toLowercase version of recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope.
rcpt_metaMetadata describing the Simon Data flow or journey connected to this message.
recipient_domainDomain part of the recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope.
sending_ipIP address through which this message was sent.
subjectSubject line from the email header.
template_idSlug of the template used to construct this message.
timestampEvent date and time, in Unix timestamp format (integer seconds since 00:00:00 GMT 1970-01-01).
typeType of event this record describes.


event_idUnique event identifier.
friendly_fromFriendly sender or 'From' header in the original email.
ip_addressIP address of the host to which Simon Mail delivered this message; in engagement events, the IP address of the host where the HTTP request originated.
ip_poolIP pool through which this message was sent.
mailbox_providerRecipient Mailbox Provider
mailbox_provider_regionMailbox Provider region
message_idUnique identifier for this message.
msg_fromSender address used on this message's SMTP envelope.
msg_sizeMessage's size in bytes.
rcpt_toLowercase version of recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope.
rcpt_metaMetadata describing the Simon Data flow or journey connected to this message.
recipient_domainDomain part of the recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope.
sending_ipIP address through which this message was sent.
subjectSubject line from the email header.
template_idSlug of the template used to construct this message.
timestampEvent date and time, in Unix timestamp format (integer seconds since 00:00:00 GMT 1970-01-01).
typeType of event this record describes.


This event type contains the following information:


event_idUnique event identifier.
friendly_fromFriendly sender or 'From' header in the original email.
geo_ipGeographic location based on the IP address, including latitude, longitude, city, country, region, and zip.
ip_addressIP address of the host to which Simon Mail delivered this message; in engagement events, the IP address of the host where the HTTP request originated.
ip_poolIP pool through which this message was sent.
mailbox_providerRecipient Mailbox Provider
mailbox_provider_regionMailbox Provider region
message_idUnique identifier for this message.
msg_fromSender address used on this message's SMTP envelope.
msg_sizeMessage's size in bytes.
rcpt_toLowercase version of recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope.
rcpt_metaMetadata describing the Simon Data flow or journey connected to this message.
recipient_domainDomain part of the recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope.
sending_ipIP address through which this message was sent.
subjectSubject line from the email header.
template_idSlug of the template used to construct this message
timestampEvent date and time, in Unix timestamp format (integer seconds since 00:00:00 GMT 1970-01-01).
typeEvent type this record describes.
user_agentValue of the browser's User-Agent header.
user_agent_parsedParsed User-Agent information, including device and OS information. is_mobile indicates whether the device is a mobile device. is_proxy indicates whether the User-Agent is a proxy server. is_prefetched indicates if this event was likely prefetched, for example through Apple MPP. This field does not apply to clicks - the value returned in click events is always false.


event_idUnique event identifier
friendly_fromFriendly sender or 'From' header in the original email
geo_ipGeographic location based on the IP address, including latitude, longitude, city, country, region, and zip
ip_addressIP address of the host to which Simon Mail delivered this message; in engagement events, the IP address of the host where the HTTP request originated
ip_poolIP pool through which this message was sent
mailbox_providerRecipient Mailbox Provider
mailbox_provider_regionMailbox Provider region
message_idUnique identifier for this message
msg_fromSender address used on this message's SMTP envelope
msg_sizeMessage's size in bytes
rcpt_toLowercase version of recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope
rcpt_metaMetadata describing the Simon Data flow or journey connected to this message
recipient_domainDomain part of the recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope
sending_ipIP address through which this message was sent
subjectSubject line from the email header
template_idSlug of the template used to construct this message
timestampEvent date and time, in Unix timestamp format (integer seconds since 00:00:00 GMT 1970-01-01)
typeEvent type this record describes
user_agentValue of the browser's User-Agent header
user_agent_parsedParsed User-Agent information, including device and OS information. is_mobile indicates whether the device is a mobile device. is_proxy indicates whether the User-Agent is a proxy server. is_prefetched indicates if this event was likely prefetched, for example through Apple MPP. This field does not apply to clicks - the value returned in click events is always false.


This event type contains the following information:


event_idUnique event identifier
friendly_fromFriendly sender or 'From' header in the original email
geo_ipGeographic location based on the IP address, including latitude, longitude, city, country, region, and zip
ip_addressIP address of the host to which Simon Mail delivered this message; in engagement events, the IP address of the host where the HTTP request originated
ip_poolIP pool through which this message was sent
mailbox_providerRecipient Mailbox Provider
mailbox_provider_regionMailbox Provider region
message_idUnique identifier for this message
msg_fromSender address used on this message's SMTP envelope
msg_sizeMessage's size in bytes
rcpt_toLowercase version of recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope
rcpt_metaMetadata describing the Simon Data flow or journey connected to this message
recipient_domainDomain part of the recipient address used on this message's SMTP envelope
sending_ipIP address through which this message was sent
subjectSubject line from the email header
template_idSlug of the template used to construct this message
timestampEvent date and time, in Unix timestamp format (integer seconds since 00:00:00 GMT 1970-01-01)
typeEvent type this record describes

Payload example

  "msys": {
	"track_event": {
  	"click_tracking": true,
  	"customer_id": "255199",
  	"delv_method": "esmtp",
  	"event_id": "6942530002814827074",
  	"friendly_from": "",
  	"geo_ip": {
    	"latitude": 37.751,
    	"longitude": -97.822,
    	"city": "",
    	"region": "",
    	"country": "US",
    	"zip": 0,
    	"postal_code": "",
    	"continent": "NA"
  	"injection_time": "2021-04-01T19:39:31.000Z",
  	"initial_pixel": true,
  	"ip_address": "",
  	"ip_pool": "default",
  	"mailbox_provider": "Gsuite",
  	"mailbox_provider_region": "B2B - Hosting",
  	"message_id": "60667321666008ae5fbe",
  	"msg_from": "",
  	"msg_size": "3927",
  	"open_tracking": true,
  	"rcpt_meta": {
    	"simon_flow_category": "journeys_backend",
    	"simon_flow_id": "1022928",
    	"simon_flow_name": "Send Email To Contact 1"
  	"rcpt_tags": [],
  	"rcpt_to": "",
  	"routing_domain": " ",
  	"sending_ip": "",
  	"subaccount_id": "20",
  	"subject": "Simon Mail Journeys 001",
  	"template_id": "template_6946254825478762828",
  	"template_version": "0",
  	"timestamp": "1617314970",
  	"transmission_id": "6946254825478762828",
  	"type": "open",
  	"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:11.0) Gecko Firefox/11.0 (via GoogleImageProxy)",
  	"raw_rcpt_to": "",
  	"recipient_domain": ""