BCC Settings
You have the option to send a blind carbon copy (BCC) to an internal email address on every message with Simon Mail. This is commonly used to allow customer care teams to see what messages contacts have received or for auditing / compliance reasons.
Edit permissions
To add or modify BCC email addresses, your user account needs to have Edit permissions for Settings. If you're unsure about your permissions, check with your admin or your Simon account manager.
Configure BCC email addresses
Before BCC can be configured in a flow, you must configure what email addresses can be used:
- Expand Admin Center then click Settings.
- Click BCC Email Addresses.
- Click Add then type the complete email address, five email addresses max.
- Click Save.

BCC Email Addresses
Default email addresses
Check the box to enable if you want an address enabled by default for any new flows that are created. You can also turn any address off in any flow. Setting default to off will not change the settings for any existing flows.
Remove an email address
You can remove an email address at any point in time. Click the trash can icon next to the email address you want to delete.
When you remove an email address from the Settings page it will automatically be removed from any flows where it is being used.
Configure BCC in a flow
To include a BCC in a flow with a Simon Mail channel action:
From the Simon Mail action in your flow, expand Advanced then select from the list of available email addresses for BCC.

The BCC field is located under 'Advanced'
Impact on monthly message volume
Keep in mind that BCC messages count toward your monthly message volume.
Additional Notes
Test messages do not support BCC. Addresses in the BCC field will not be sent a message when sending a test message.
Any engagement from BCC email addresses is excluded from Simon Mail metrics. Metric totals do not include messages sent, delivered, opened, clicked, or unsubscribed if the activity originates from an email sent to a BCC'd address.
Sending BCC to a Gmail address
When a Gmail email address is used for BCC, some of the messages will not display. This is due to Gmail's filtering logic and unrelated to Simon Mail.
Updated over 1 year ago